Saturday, May 26, 2018

Now, This Case Is Fascinating, Even Without Murder!!!!!!!!! At Least....Not Yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               When I was growing up, the message I got, from the elders around me, was, an unmarried child lives at home till he walks down the aisle. And if he, or she does not, walk down the aisle, like my late Aunt Kathleen, for example, you take on the household responsibilities, while maintaining a job, eventually caring, as my aunt did, for those who once took care of you.

                                  I lived at home almost as long as Michael Rotondo.  I worked, things changed--my mother died, which was a big one--and eventually I struck out.  No one ever evicted me, or pushed me out, though certain relations made inappropriate comments I shall never forget.

                                   Across the street from me lived a guy named Ronald.  He was several years older, but he lived in that house all his life, till his death, at 53, in 2005.  Now, his parents had money--the father had been a chemist, who had patented something that went into Borax detergent, so maybe they could afford to be generous.  Or he did not have to worry about work.  Because he did not.  Not much.

                                    He wasn't gay.  Or a serial killer.  But I wonder how he passed his days.

                                    It is not Michael Rotondo's living at home that gets me.  Nor his parents wanting to evict him.

                                     I may be naive, but I have never heard of a case like this.  To me, something, on both sides, does not add up.

                                    To the parents, I say, I get it.  But why were things allowed to go on this long?  Five years, I could see.  But eight?  And why are you in such of a hurry to get him out?  Selfishness on your part, or genuine concern for him?  Both sides know the parents will not be around forever, but what is the rush here?

                                      The answer rests with Michael.  There is more than a trace of psychological instability around him.  I am not talking about childishness, or clinging to childhood. Hell, you can do that on your own.  I am living proof of that, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         One interviewer I saw asked him if he wants to leave home.  He immediately said "No," the implication being he wants to remain at home.  Then he says, "No, I don't want to live there, anymore."  Which is it, Mikey?  Make up your mind.

                                         Now, this man has fathered a child,  So, he is straight--but no gift to women--is not married, and who knows what kind of tramp he had the child with.  One sensible enough, at least to deny him visitation.  And yet he says he is a great father, cares about his son, and we don't even know the woman or child's name?

                                           That is because they are smart.  They are staying out of this mess.

                                            I am not sure Mikey knows the world he is living in.  Or wants to live in. I don't think it is lack of independence; I think it is some kind of mental instability.

                                             I take it he is an only child.  Have the parents ever considered the possibility of mental illness??????????????

                                              Michael Rotondo may need to leave home.  But not a bachelor pad.

                                              A padded cell, in an asylum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. It definitely seems like he has some kind of undiagnosed mental illness, but let's not use that as an excuse .I'm mentally ill but I paid rent and did chores until I moved out. I think this guy is just an Asshole. Yes, Asshole with a capital A.

    His parents are partially to blame for his Assholishness .He's what happens when someone goes their entire lives without ever washing a dish or touching a broom. If Mommy and Dadums had expected more from him, he would have become more. They didn't and now they really regret it. Oh fucking well, you reap what you sow. That being said, they went far above and beyond what my parents would have done. MY mother would have changed the locks and left my shit in garbage bags. They gave him opportunity after opportunity to change, even going so far as to give him $1100 that he promptly spent on who fucking knows what, beard wax or some shit .

    I feel sorry for the kid. It seems like his mother is smart enough to keep her head down. I would . NO ONE would know who my kid's father was .He'll. No .I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt and say he was a one night stand and she was massively drunk .

  2. There is something utterly repulsive about this guy: every time they publish a closeup of his face my stomach lurches. You have to be a special kind of clueless cretin to not realize how godawful you look sporting that beard and ponytail: Jesus, Mikey, wake the hell up. You obviously fancy yourself a hipster douche, but A) you live in the suburbs of Syracuse, so its utterly irrelevant, and B) the look doesn't work at all with your rubbery fat-lipped myopic dead-eyed face. The patchy skeevey beard is straight out of a Libyan terrorist recruitment poster circa 1993 (and I say that as someone who normally prefers a beard to clean shaven on most men). The long hair hanging limply from your head has the same atrocious texture as the beard: you are a genetic trainwreck in the hair department. Accept this and work around it: get a shave and a good haircut, lose the glasses for contacts, and try an against-type preppie look- it might just work. Right now, you look like the bad punchline to the tasteless cliched joke about a Hasidic rabbi and Grreek Orthodox priest walking into a bar.


  3. Auracayan,

    Sorry to hear about your illness.
    You raise some valid points. While I
    ultimately believe there is mental illness,
    have you heard the expression "dumb like a fox?"
    I think this is a combination of both.

    As for Daddy and Mommy, yeah, what is up with them?
    They raised him, so this is what they get.

    What gets me is he is not incapable of living on
    his own, because, if you listen closely, he already
    has. He was college educated, working, but lost his
    job 8 years ago, when he moved back home. So he IS
    capable of functioning on his own.

    As for the kid, I agree, a drunken one night
    stand, with both mother and child smart enough
    to stay out of it.

    His being ill comes from his lack of coherence.
    In one interview he says he does not want to leave
    home, but then in the next breath says he does not
    want to live there anymore. What is going on here.
    And parading his fatherhood when he has not seen, or
    is forbidden to see the child? That is delusional.

    We have not heard the last of him yet. It will
    be interesting to see what transpires.


  4. Videolaman,

    And then he says because of the
    business of the case, and his child,
    he would otherwise be CEO of a major
    company????? This guy is seriously
    delusional. He says he is conservative;
    even they don't want someone like this.

    While I think there is mental illness
    in the picture, I think he is also dumb,
    like a fox, as the saying goes.

    And he is very hard to look at! Even
    straight men have better fashion sense
    than he!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Hmmm... yesterday he spoke yet again to newspaper reporters about his impending move, angling for sympathy that he had to "roughly throw things in boxes without really packing properly" (whatever the hell thats supposed to signify).

    In the course of this he offhandedly claimed to have been diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic, then made the usual extremely annoying boast that he chooses not to take his meds because they make him feel draggy. You know, the same infuriating excuse every homeless person uses after they assault random strangers on the street for imaginary slights.

    Mr. Rotundo, assuming you aren't lying about the schizophrenia, take the damned meds. I have had friends suffer terribly from various such afflictions, so I'm well aware of the undesirable side effects of the meds. But the "civilian" population doesn't care: every time there's an incident and someone mouths the "don't take 'em cause I don't like the side effects" cliche, it erodes empathy and further shuts down the chances for meaningful assistance and change.


  6. Darling.
    You are more up on this than I am.
    because I did not hear this latest.
    I could be shot for this, but I am
    not sure he has paranoid schizophrenia.
    Why hasn't this been heard before? And
    if he is not taking the meds, and actually
    HAS it, he is endangering both himself and
    his parents.

    I can't imagine this guy is a pristine
    packer. It will be interesting to see
    where he moves to. Hopefully, neither of
    our neighborhoods.
