Saturday, May 19, 2018

Kudos To The People At This Place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 As anyone who knows me well, understands, one cannot keep me out of a book store.  And if I emerge from one, empty handed, as I have on occasion, I feel depressed.

                                  Well, for those who keep up with me, I have been trying to track down "The Northanger Horrid Novels."  I know the folks at "Three Lives" would get it, but I have not been in that neighborhood, recently.  Near David's doctor is a "Shakespeare And Co." store, which is supposed to cater to the students of Hunter College.  Well, I went in there, and posed the search question about these novels, and the clerk there never  heard of them, I am not sure he got the Jane Austen connection, and the search was so cursory, nothing resulted.  Shame on you, once!  That's enough, for me!

                                    After our excursion at The Met, we visited The Corner Bookstore, the most charming little place, at 1313 Madison Ave, by East 93rd.  I am telling you, it is so warm and cozy, a film version of "She Loves Me" could be shot in there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    The staff is engaging, and very nice looking, with one of them resembling a young Stanley Tucci.  He was busy with a window display, so this charming young girl not only took the time to look up the novels I was seeking, which I ordered, she was able to find a book recently having come out, that I mistakenly referred to as "The Gunnysacks, or "The Gunnywacks," but which turned out to be "The Gunners" by Rebecca Kaufman, author of "Another Place You've  Never Been," which I also plan  to read.

                                      I am here to tell you, darlings, that this is the "Three Lives" of the Upper East Side. So, when in that nabe, forsake all others, and GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Maybe these folk should initiate a training program at "The Strand!!!!!!!!!!!"


  1. The Gunners should be good.
    I remember reading an interview where the author said she used a lot of post-it notes in arranging the story.


  2. Victoria,

    I am looking forward to reading it.
    You will hear about it, on here, to be sure!
