Saturday, May 19, 2018

Oh, My God, Girls! It Was Like The Deification Of ANNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               We finally made our way to The Met, and, if you thought the fashion houses were something, wait till you get a load of this!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Let me first say, it was so strange to be in the Medieval Hall without the Christmas tree being there; I almost felt as though I were in the wrong place or time.

                                 But, once we made it downstairs to the Anna Wintour Costume Center--and make no mistake, it IS ANNA's, darlings, and she helped put this together.  It was an overwhelming feast for the eyes and ears that was almost too narcotic inducing to be in too long.  One could get drunk on beauty.

                                  And, to single, and looking gay guys--if you are seeking to meet someone, let me point out--THIS IS THE BEST SHOW IN TOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    As for what to show, how do I choose????????????
Is this Lady Gaga????????????

This costume, minus the cross, could be used in a production of "Follies!!!!!!!!!!"

Look at the richness of color!  The patterns!  Not this particular one, but, I am telling you, some of these garments were made by hand by sisters of the Convent Of St. Claire!  Mrs. Danvers, in "Rebecca," was right, after all!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, my God!!!!!!!!  Can you see those jewels through the black?  Live, they are even more dazzling!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                 ANNA and Company welcome you warmly, I am sure!!!!!!!!!!  But wait--

                                My reference to the musical "Follies" must not overlook that the show, by some, has been called "Fellini-esque."  If what is on display does not convince one of that, the revolving video excerpt of the 1972 "Fellini's Roma" makes it abundantly clear.  Let's end with that!!!!!!!!

                                 What a day, girls!  I had the best sleep, last night, in weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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