Friday, June 8, 2018

A Sad, But Loving Farewell, To Magilla!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    You have heard me speak of Deirdre and Michael Butler, owners of Paws Truly, here in Bay Ridge, though the store is actually run jointly by Seamus, that lovable Labradoodle, and Sparky, the parrot.

                                      I never met Magilla, nor have I ever known anyone who actually had a rabbit for a pet.  The Butlers owned Magilla, who stayed home, was never in the store, but, who, on days off, provided Seamus with needed companionship.

                                        Three weeks ago, Magilla, who was 14 years old--a long time for a rabbit to live; the average age being 10--began exhibiting serious health issues that only worsened. Last weekend, the word was that the prognosis on Magilla was not good.

                                          The other day, I went by the store, which was closed, no announcement on the door.  I knew then, something must have happened.

                                            On my way there, yesterday, I ran into Mary and her husband, whose name I cannot recall, and they confirmed my suspicions.

                                              Though I never met Magilla, I feel his loss through the grief of others--the Butlers, Sparky, who was very subdued, and Seamus.

                                                I have to hand it to Seamus. He put aside his own grief to greet and comfort those who came into the store.  What a loving soul he is.

                                                  I am not certain this picture accurately represents Magilla--I saw more grey than white in the photo shown of him--but the sorrow I feel for one and all, hopefully will make up for that.

                                                   Magilla got 14 mostly good years on this earth.  He was lovingly cared for by those whose love and knowledge probably kept him living longer.

                                                    He will live on in our hearts.  But his departure is sad for all.

                                                    Rest In Peace, Magilla!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day;
    Earths joys grow dim, it's glories pass away.
    Change and decay in all around I see;
    O Thou who changest not, abide with me.

    Goodbye, little buddy.
    Semper Fi.


  2. Victoria,
    Thank you for those
    kind and comforting words.
    As an animal lover, it is
    hard for me, when they go.
