Friday, June 8, 2018

"Carousel" Countdown, And A New "Carrie Diaries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                  Just two days to go till TONYS, when we will see how "Carousel" fares--and it had better do damn well, because, I mean, how can one beat a masterwork?  And now there are sixteen days till The Raving Queen himself comes to see it--are you ready, company?????--and my anticipation is rising with each passing day.  The night before we--David and I--go, I will be like s kid on Christmas eve-"-a tiny tot, eyes all aglow, who will find it hard to sleep that night."  Thank you, Nat Cole!!!!!!!!!!

                                  The important news on here is that Lindsay Mendez, aka Carrie Pipperidege, has put up a new entry of "The Carrie Diaries," and it is a gem.  I have GOT to say, from what little I have seen of Amar Ramasar, that he is the cutest Jigger Craigin I have seen, by far!!!!!!!!!!!  And his dance whirls!!!!!!!!  This is a new Jigger, not the skeethy, sleazy one we generally get.  I cannot wait to see what he does with this often thankless role.

                                   And Jessie, Jessie, JESSIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!  JULIE!!!!!!!!!!!  Lauren may possibly get the TONY--which would be a crime---but if Jessie is beaten out, let me tell you, theater folk and goers will be talking more about her Julie than any of the other nominees, long after all these shows have folded.  Which I hope, for the sake of "Carousel," is not soon, because, if as thrilling as I anticipate, I don't see how I cannot avoid a repeat visit!!!!!!!!!!

                                  But here is Lindsay with Episode 2 of "The Carrie Diaries!"  Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!

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