Friday, June 15, 2018

Am I Ready For This, Darlings???????? Some Day, I Hope To Be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                The fellow in the back, dressed in yellow is Garret Hawe, back when he was in "Newsies," doing the pre-show warm up which that cast did.  Gavin is also in the ensemble of "Carousel," and he may be the guy who does that splat--or is it splay--so I wish I had his tone.  I am working to it, but need all the help I can get.  Help, Gavin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  I am on the fourth day of my mile long walk each morning, which is to lose weight, certainly, but, more important, to help lower my A1C!!!!!!!!!!!  That is what I am concerned about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    I have learned the importance of hydration, especially as I age, and so am carrying a sippy cup with me, at all times.  On the second half of the walk, which is, understandably the more difficult part, but so satisfying, when I reach the point of having made it, that I feel good, even if I am out of breath and sweating.

                                      I tell myself the sweat is weight coming off.  I still pretend to be a Von Trapp while circling the frog compass in the park.  And, when the going gets tough I think of Donna (McKechnie) and all she persevered through, and it gives me the impetus to go on.

                                      I see the doctor next in three months.  Not only do I hope I will see results, but having done more of this by then, I hope I will feel like doing a "Newsies," or "Carousel" warm up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Help me, guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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