Friday, June 15, 2018

"Carousel" Countdown!!!!!! 9 Days To Go, And A New "Carrie Diaries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                              Girls, I cannot believe I am down to the single digits, in relation to my visit to "Carousel."  Look how magically radiant Jessie Mueller looks, in this photo. Joshua Henry, too. That is exactly how I feel right now.

                                In a previous "Carrie Diaries," some backstage warm ups were shown.  There were some marvelous pirouettes from Lindsay and Amar, but there is this guy who does this incredible, and relaxing looking splay.  Or is it splat?  My question is, how does he do this, because guys have that "thing" which women don't, and doesn't that get in the way?  I  need to talk to someone, fast.

                                I also need to stock up on tissues, for my "Carousel" visit. Because I know, as God is my witness, darlings, that when the lights go down, and the orchestra strikes up those three, sinister, opening notes, I will be set to lose it for the next 2-plus hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Knock yourselves out, "Carousel" company!  But save lots of reserve for The Raving Queen's visit, on June 24!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Here is the newest episode of "The Carrie Diaries," with Lindsay and the Gang!


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