Thursday, June 14, 2018

It's Always The Quiet Ones That Have To Be Watched For!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         As a reasonably quiet one, myself--though others may deny it!!!!!!!!!--I can relate.  Remember when I wrote about Baby Gojira, wanting to sing "Ball And Chain."  Well, I think Courtney Hadwin can, and should!!!!!!!!!!!  I am telling you, this is the most sensational debut I have seen since Susan Boyle,  Courtney walked out on stage, knowing full well what she was going to do, but with a shyness that recalled to me Laura, of "The Glass Menagerie."  As she posed to start, I think there was a collective holding of breath from the audience--will she really get through it?????????

                         Either Courtney's shyness is an all act, or maybe she just comes alive on stage.  The sound and moves were pure Janis Joplin, well beyond what I would have expected of a thirteen-year-old.  I am going to do my best to try and show this to you, girls, because it has to be seen!!!!!!!!!!

                           Here is Courtney, on "America's Got Talent."  Watch how she transforms from a shrinking violet, to a professional dynamo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Baby Gojira is talking about wanting to study with her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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