Tuesday, June 12, 2018

"Carousel" Countdown--12 Days To Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Just twelve days, girls, till The Raving Queen visits "Carousel."  I will deal with the TONY'S soon--make no mistake about that--but right now, I just want to address the company.

                              Darlings, you are in one of the best shows you will ever be in.  I would kill to be in "Carousel" so much I would even play Nettie Fowler.  Though I would sound more like BARBRA than Rene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                You wuz robbed!  I will go into that later.  If anyone in the company reads this, read my previous post on my walking regimen.  I plan to keep going, so I will, if you will!  You guys and gals are in such great shape, it takes my breath away.

                                    I am SO psyched for "Carousel," darlings, so keep it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    "When today is a long time ago, you'll still hear me say...." it's the best R and H show of all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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