Tuesday, June 12, 2018

What Would Donna Do????????????????????

                                   Anyone who knows me, or has been on here long enough, knows I am referring to Donna McKechnie.  About whom there will be another post on here, later.

                                    Yesterday, I had to visit my endocrinologist for my diabetes check.  I was happy to discover many things--namely that my cholesterol was great, my blood pressure, and I had not gained any weight.  Also, no heart stress, like my December visit, on the day there was some mini-terrorist attack.  That would get anyone, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Two things distressed me.  My A1C has gone up .5--it has steadily been 6.9; now, even with the meds, it is 7.4.  Not the highest it ever has been, but higher than I want.  Hell, I would like to go lower than 6.9.

                                        We talked about diet alterations, which I am pretty good with, because I can be disciplined, when I want to, but he also mentioned walking, which he said could help with even more weight, and which may lower my liver numbers.  Again, they were high, not as high as they had been; he says I tend toward that, but it could be lowered by exercise, like walking.

                                             So, this morning, I got up earlier than usual, and went back to my walking regimen.  At first I was only going to go from our apartment, to the corner of 76th and Narrows.  But, when I accomplished that in only 7 minutes, I thought, "This isn't enough."  Before I knew it, I was at 79th and Narrows, then Colonial, then the park, where I circled the frogs, and, before you know it--steps included, which have been thankfully fixed, so no danger of accidents from crumbling--and before I knew it, I had done my old route in a faster time--20 minutes, down from 25.

                                              Let me tell you something.  The legs were strong, the wind weak.  I was huffing and puffing, and while part of it was fun, by the end I felt like I had done a marathon.  But I have to push myself.  Or should I?  Donna, girls, tell me what I should do?

                                               The walk was more like a vigorous march.  The mantra "What would Donna do?" and the answer, "Keep going," went through my head.  I also kept telling myself this was training for a show that may sometime come along, and so, if it should, my stamina will be that much greater, and ready to go, for having done this.  Finally, as I circled around the frogs, I visualized that great, overhead shot from "The Sound Of Music." with Julie and the kids--Heather! Angela!--doing the same around the fountain, to "Do Re Mi."

                                                  That I have to do this again tomorrow fills me with determination and dread.  I have to do this, but does it get easier!  If my body was as in shape as my mind, I WOULD be Donna McKechnie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   Meanwhile, I shall continue!  And, darlings, if ever I am cast, I will let you know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     Help, Donna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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