Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Why Wasn't I Informed Of This???????????????????

                               Not only is Lauren Weisberger still looking good,--oh, my God, that hair, I have GOT to know how she does it, and where she goes to get it done!!!!!!!!!--she is also still writing books.  When she ventured away from media status Manhattan with "The Singles Game," I declared I was through with her, because she, obviously, was through with that scene!!!!!!!!!!!!  I have to admit there is a slight possibility I just may be wrong, so I may have to read "The Singles Game."

                               But her newest, "When Life Gives You Lululemons," I have GOT to read, as it skewers the whole Greenwich, Connecticut-Miss Porter Suburban Scene, that I am more than familiar with, having sprung from a similar environment, myself.  Apparently, Lauren has retreated there, with her husband and children--from the rigors of the Manhattan social scene, which, perhaps she found too intimidating, or, maybe even, was intimidated by yours truly, so decided to leave that scene to me, darlings!!!!!!!!!!  Which, as you know, I am happy to report on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                I am glad Lauren is still writing, but I hope she has her mojo back.  I haven't really liked a book of hers since "Chasing Harry Winston," and "Revenge Wears Prada" was such a disappointment, I think that, more than the subject matter of tennis, put me off "The Singles Game," which I think I am now going to have to read.  Except, right now, I am committed to some big Summer Academic Reading Project, so I will reward myself with Lauren, when it is done.

                                  Glad to have you back, Lauren!!!!!!!!!!!!  But, that hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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