Monday, June 18, 2018

"Carousel" Countdown--Just 6 Days To Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             This is the week I go to "Carousel, " darlings!  Just look at that poetic background, with the moon and the stars.  The dark and romantic themes of the show beautifully illuminated.

                                Oh, my God, I can hear those choruses rising as one.  The emotional poignancy behind the Act Two ballet, which gives Louise's back story.  And that dream cast!  You have to all be there, this Sunday, loves!  Take Saturday off, but be there on Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 I wonder if Jessie will go for the "Carousel" triple--that is, when she is age appropriate, to play Nettie in a future production.  Barbara Cook almost did it; Jessie would beat Barbara, if she did.  Let's hope she does.

                                  But why talk about future "Carousels," when there is one playing right now!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  I can't wait to report to my girls what I see, from the aisle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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