Sunday, June 17, 2018

The Way To Go??????????????? I'm Not So Sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            I really don't like using the F word darlings, but I have to ask--what the fuck is up with New Jersey Transit???????????????

                            Two consecutive weeks in a row, we had problems!  Twice in a row!

                             Last week, en route to Paper Mill to see the musical "Half-Time," we had planned to take the 10:11 Am train out there, as we had reservations for a pre-show lunch at The Carriage House, on the premises, at 11:15.  We got to Penn Station, only to discover, with no explanation, that our 10:11 train had been cancelled, and we had to take our usual 11:11 AM.

                              Not to worry. It all worked out.

                              Then there was yesterday.

                               We took the 11:11AM, right on time, out to Morris Plains, to visit our friends, Lynda and Marilyn.  It was as fun, as always, and the train was on time.

                                  But coming back was a different story.

                                   The train we were supposed to take, the 4:19PM, was inexplicably cancelled, which was announced at the last minute, when the train should have been pulling in.  We had to wait to catch the 5:03, which meant we were sitting at the Morris Plains station for almost an hour, and then there was the ride back.

                                    I gotta tell you, girls.  Train travel has changed.  It used to be classy, like in the movies "Leave Her To Heaven," and "Strangers On A Train."  Nowadays, trains are as bad as the bus. Worse.  You should have seen the characters we were forced to ride with.  I am telling you, I would rather have traveled with Ratso Rizzo and Joe Buck, from "Midnight Cowboy."

                                    No sooner do we get seated, than this transient, homeless type, resembling an Eddie Murphy "Buckwheat" wannabe from "Saturday Night Live," boards our car, an unlit cigarette butt dangling out of his mouth, and begins walking through the train, spouting gibberish.  I don't know how he got on the train, or if he got off, but when I saw that butt and his get up, I wondered about terrorism, because this is the kind of nut who acts nuts, then pulls a caper like a bomb or something on us helpless passengers.  It set the tone for the entire ride.

                                    Except for our stop at Convent Station, at The College Of St. Elizabeth,  (How refreshing!) station after station was crammed to the max with young, obnoxious, suburban heterosexuals, who don't know a thing.  There was this dumb jock type, spouting off, so the whole train could hear, about the hot time he had with "my babe, Andrea"--because these guys all have a low opinion of women, inherited from their sexist fathers.  Almost as bad, he cites "RENT" as his favorite musical.  A sure sign, I guarantee you, of someone who does not know a thing about musicals.

                                   The girls were all dressed like tramps.  They always do, in the Summer.  One girl was sitting with her lap top across her lap, so exposed one could see all the way up the dress to her kooch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Disgusting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Who wants to see that????????????????????

                                    I have to say I was fascinated by this group of girls, whom I referred to as the cast of "Mean Girls," marching onto the train.  They were all clones of one another, with ironed out straight blonde hair, and tarty looking black dresses and fancy shoes.  It would have been fitting had they been going to a performance of "Mean Girls," but I am sure they had more lascivious activities planned.  You can bet on it.

                                     Of course, there was no peace and quiet, because this generation has no appreciation for it.  And, when we finally pulled into the civilization of what I call New York, it was a mob scene, getting off that train.

                                     Get your act together, New Jersey Transit.  Or you will lose customers by the droves.  You are not the only way to go.

                                       I am telling you, girls, we have GOT to start using a limo!!!!!!!!!!!  Like ANNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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