Sunday, June 17, 2018

"Carousel" Countdown--Just 7 Days To Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Exactly one week--one week, from today, girls--I make my visit to the Imperial Theatre to see "Carousel."   My excitement is mounting, on a daily basis, as the occasion of this event I am SO psyched for draws closer.

                                    I guess these posts could be my own "Carrie Diaries," and I will be sure to follow up with a multitude of comments on what I saw, and what it was like.

                                     Just to let you know, I am getting my hair done the day before, so I will look my best, at "Carousel."

                                       The audience around me had better be ready to swoon.  Because I will be doing lots of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Just one week, darlings!  One week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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