Saturday, June 30, 2018

Girls, Of All Genders, Cannot Afford NOT To Have Something By Chloe, In Their Home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             I am the first to admit I have plenty of Ralph Lauren, YSL,  and some others, but I am simply amiss on my Chloe!!!!!!!!!!!!   Go ahead, flog me!!!!!!!!!!!!  What am I going to do???????

                              Isn't the blue blouse stunning?  That would go great with almost anything I wear, and create a breathtaking effect at parties when I enter,  Just like Carly Simon says, as though I am "walking onto a yacht."  And if I could have an apricot scarf by Chloe, that would be fine, too.

                              Both bags are breathtaking, darlings, but the pastel one on the left is my favorite--a natural for Spring and Summer, with the darker for Fall and Winter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                And how about that red blouse and dress combo!  SO classic!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                You all know about my friend, Miss Chloe, the lovable golden retriever I just adore!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 I wonder if she owns any percentage in Chloe stock??????????????????

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