Saturday, June 30, 2018

I Wanted To Close In A Campy, Colorful Manner!!!!!!!!!!!! What Better Way Than Older Board Games???????????

                             The color and designs of what are now these minor works of art cannot be matched by anything manufactured today, where it is all techno trash, and darkness--from "Lord Of The Rings" to "Game Of Thrones," nothing but dark, stone, rocky designs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Even the three-dimensionality of games like "Mouse Trap" and "Crazy Clock" (when you could get this one to work!) is an improvement over what passes as games for today!!!!!!!!

                                So, let us look back fondly on these games, as on this month, which was highlighted by "Carousel," the outrageousness of "Hereditary," and "The Carrie Diaries" by Lindsay Mendez!   Oops, just cannot stay away from "Carousel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                 Wishing you all an exciting July!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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