Monday, June 18, 2018

I LOVE Aunt Katie On The Sprint 55+ Commercial!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          I once had an Aunt Katie, and she was a trip!  She was like an Italian version of Rosalind Russell, in "Auntie Mame."  She even, as a young girl, ran away to New York,  to try and become a singer.

                           She was not my blood relative, but with this story, she became my soul mate.  It is a wonder I did not do the same thing.  She had the courage, in her youth, that I lacked.

                            Now, Aunt Katie, on the Sprint 55+ Commercial, is leading us all into The Evolution Of Spinsterhood In The 21st Century."  No longer a withdrawn, desiccated, sexually repressed woman, today's spinster has more life than one could ever imagine!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             I love the set up of the ad.  A two character piece, featuring a spinster aunt, and her obviously gay nephew.  He asks the seemingly staid, unmarried woman, what she did on her birthday, gets the expected reserved answer, while the viewer sees she had the wildest time, celebrating with friends, shouting and screaming, arms in the air, out a party bus skylight.  The ways of spinsterhood have clearly changed.

                              Interestingly, it is the gay nephew who seems spinsterish--dour, uninteresting, and maybe a bit closeted.  Though, with what the viewer knows about Aunt Katie, I have no doubt she has her nephew's number!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              And could point out some places where he might meet an eligible partner!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              I just love the actors in this commercial!  They are just perfect!  May they have a long run in this, and many royalities.

                              And how about some future adventures, of Aunt Katie???????????????

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