Monday, June 18, 2018

Oh, Curtis, Honey, You've Done It Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              I decided to take a break in between Steinbecks, and read something more contemporary.  Somehow, I always under estimate Curtis Sittenfeld, yet, when I read one of her books, I am always amazed by what she is able to pull off.  Especially with her last one, "Eligible," which managed to riff Jane Austen, without doing her an injustice.

                             Her latest, "You Think It, I'll Say It," is not a novel, but a collection of short stories.  Once again, I was skeptical, because, novelists do not excel at short fiction.  Well, once again, Curtis proved me wrong!

                                All of the stories are engaging, but I was most impressed by the cryptic title, "A Regular Couple," about a young woman on her honeymoon, who happens to encounter  her former high school nemesis.  This got me going right away, but the ambiguity of the title comes at the end, when the reader must decide, which, if any, is the "Regular Couple."  As well as learning that the behavior of former high school tormentors blend into something that is not quite what one remembers.  Another favorite was "Vox Clamantis In Deserto," where a young girl's idolatry of a classmate who seems to have it all, is not necessarily the truth.  Something that certainly taps in to my experience.  As for the title, it comes up in "The World Has Many Butterflies," which demonstrates Sittenfeld's skill at not only the short form, but getting to the heart of what lies beneath the surface of the characters' relationships.

                            Not quite light and breezy, but not nearly as dark as Steinbeck, Sittenfeld straddles both tones, creating a not quite frothy or frivolous work, but one abounding with insights.  Though I much prefer her in the novel form, which I am certain she will return to, again, as short story collections go, this is one to pick up, as it will your interest, throughout!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Keep going, Curtis, dear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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