Saturday, June 2, 2018

What To Do About These Closet Cases?????????????????????????

                               This magazine cover says it all!  I LOVE it, darlings!  The average closet case thinks he is fooling everyone, when, in fact, the only he is fooling, is himself!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                I used to think the way to solve this problem was to take these types, put them in a boiling pot, and stir them like a witches brew!!!!!!!!!!!!!  But, once their hineys  touched that hot water they would shriek soprano, like the queens they are--Ohhhhhhhhhhh!  It hurts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 This makes me laugh.

                                  But, really, what can be done?

                                   Like the slogan says, "If you see something, say something."  Call these guys out at every turn.

                                    If you want to display compassion, send them to one's local LGBT Center, where, through meetings and discussions, they may get the tools to give them the courage to abandon this hypocritical pretension.

                                     Get them while they are young.  Guide misguided youth, showing them they don't need to live a life of suicidal misery.  Again, the centers are a good place to direct them to.

                                       For those who advocate this life style, confront them head on!  Don't back down!  Be like Stephanie March.  And show them how she grooms, and does her hair!  That will help too.

                                        Avoid outdated propaganda, like "The Boys In The Band!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                       Slam that closet door permanently!

                                       Remember, girls, it's OUR world, not theirs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. This above all: To thine own self be true
    Or as my Marine Corps sons would say, "Own it!"


  2. And I do, Victoria! you and Polonius!!!!!!!!!
