Monday, June 4, 2018

Yesterday...."It Was The Third Of June, Another Sleepy, Dusty Delta Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                             With all the running around, yesterday, girls, like Tessie Hutchinson in "The Lottery," I plum forgot what day it was.

                              Ah, the third of June....

                              When "Mama said to me, 'Chile, what's happened to your appetite?  I been
                              cookin' all mornin', and ya haven't touched a single bite.

                              Well, she was cookin' to get me all plumped up, because she was fixin' for
me and that preacher, Brother Taylor, to have dinner together, makin' goo goo  eyes at each other.

                                I ain't havin' no dinner with young preacher, Brother Taylor.  I know all about those preacher men.  I learned it good from Dusty Springfield!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Of course, what everyone wants to know is what Billy
 Jo and the narrator threw off the bridge?  I still maintain it was a baby, but I have to wonder whose?

                                 If it was the narrator's baby, how come the girl's mother,  didn't even notice her sweet chile' was pregnant?  And if the baby wasn't hers, why involve herself in getting rid of it?

                                 The river ain't givin' up those mysteries, and neither is Bobby Gentry!

I couldn't let the day go by, even if I am a day late, without acknowledging those memories, and giving a listening to the great Bobbie Gentry classic once more.

And if you have any ideas about what was thrown off that bridge, who, and why, feel free to comment on here!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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