Sunday, July 8, 2018

Another Romantic Symbol Done Away With--The Drive-In Movie Theatre!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Where I grew up, in New Jersey, there were two drive-ins, one being the Brunswick, pictured above, off of Route 1, in North Brunswick, New Jersey.  It had been around since the late 40's, but by the time I was old enough to go, the outline around the marquee was red, not black.  This I always found alluring.  The Turnpike Drive-In, way out on Route 18, was more elaborate, considered the better of the two, and both were fun experiences.

                            Of course, like the Tunnel Of Love, drive-ins were places for family, and, as the evening wore on, the hormonally charged.   I never got to that latter stage of my drive-in going years, because by the time I hit puberty, and was going to movies on my own, it was always as a self-proclaimed "critic," who wouldn't be seen at a drive-in.

                            But I hadn't these standards, as a child.  Going to the drive-in was an exciting event; like the Jersey shore amusement parks, there was a built-in sleaziness to them.  Plus, when real young, there were playgrounds, in front of the gigantic screen, where kids could go and work off some energy, before the movie started.

                               There was one unwritten rule of thumb to going to these places.  Never go to an artistic film there, because it cheapens the experience.  The drive-in was for child centric movies, like Disney, (though the first film I saw at one was the trashy "Snow White And The Three Stooges," starring then Olympic skating champion Carol Heiss, as Snow White, back in 1961!!!!!!!!!!) or horror films, like "Curse Of The Werewolf," with Oliver Reed as a werewolf, whose ears were accurately placed, and quite wolfish looking.  My parents would never take me to these.  Not even "The Thing That Couldn't Die!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                Only once did I see what I shouldn't, and that was back in 1963, when the projectionist mixed up the films. And this was at the classier Turnpike Drive-In!!!!!!!  The main feature, Walt Disney's "Summer Magic," with my idol, Hayley Mills; the second was--get this!!!!!!!--Alfred Hitchcock's "Rear Window!!!!!!!!!!!"  My parents had seen it, and were determined to go home, because I was not going to watch it, but I carried on so--after all, if we did not see "Summer Magic" tonight, we would have to return another evening.  And so we stayed.  Most of the classic I did not get, though Grace Kelly impressed me in ways it would take me years to understand--as a gay man!--and the scene with the dog being found dead still upsets me to this day.  Whenever I have seen this film, over time, and that moment comes on, I am carried back to the drive-in!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Such fun, darlings!  I could wear my PJ's, sleep if I was tired--but never through the movie I wanted to see-- drink Kool-Aid, and eat popcorn!  All in the back seat of the family car, which I had all to myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!  What a princess, I was!  You better believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  How sad these Summer fun spots are now things of the past!  But I am glad I never made it to the hormonal stage, here, anyway!

                                   My artistic sense was active, and how did guys manage with the stick shift???????????

                                    I wish someone would do a Retro Drive-In, showing those trash Fifties horror movies we all love.

Like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And don't forget the dancing refreshments, who, at Intermission, sang, "Let's all go to the lobby, to get ourselves a treat!," which so many of us imitated, as children!

Ah, another hymn to simple pleasures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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