Sunday, July 8, 2018

One Of The Gayest Things I Ever Did, As A Child, I Still Do To This Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              The first time I ever saw "The Wizard Of Oz," the whole Judy Garland thing eluded me.  After all, I was only four or five, so what did I know?  Being so young and unknowing, the figure I most identified first time out with was.....the Witch!  I loved the shoes, her broomstick, her flying, her costume, and that castle!  Power!  I guess that is what impressed me, initially.

                                So impressed by this was I, that, the next day, I took my toy broom, pretending it was the Witch's.  I would climb up on the rim of the love seat in the front room (really the guest visitor room) of the house, run across, riding the broom, and seemingly fly into space, crying out loud, "To the Emerald City, as fast as lightning!"  Really.  I wanted to be the Witch, and I wanted to fly.  And I still remember, there was that one time where, for several seconds, it felt as though I actually was in flight!

                                 My mother was not happy as I was about any of this, and soon put a stop to this. I have to say, I always fond new and unique ways to drive my parents crazy, and this next was one I still do, to this day.

                                  The first time I saw the movie version of "Bye, Bye, Biridie," on television, I was impressed, though my favorite part was the very beginning, where Ann-Margret sings in a pink dress, against a blue background, and then seems to run at the camera, as though she would go through the TV screen, and into your living room.  Which I wish she had.

                                     I caught on real fast, and, the next time this movie was aired, after the Columbia Logo,  and movie title appeared, I stood in front of the TV, and enacted the number with Ann-Margret.  I also did the closing bit, too.  If only someone had put this on YouTube, I could show you myself in action.  As for my parents, they were resigned by now; at least I wasn't doing drugs or alcohol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     To this day, when the film is on, I get up and do it.  Once, at the Film Forum, I did it, in the aisle.  No one dared to stop me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Here is that iconic moment(s).  If only I looked this good, and could wear that pink dress.  But I can still belt it out!

                                         "Guess I'll always caaaaaaare!  Guess I'll always caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


  1. It sounds to me like you were a Wonderful little boy!
    Rave on!!


  2. Victoria,

    Thanks for being so kind.
    I was an unconventional challenge for all.
    But no drinking or drugs! And I am glad
    of that, today!
