Wednesday, July 4, 2018

How About Those Take 5 Lottery Movie Spoof Commericials???????????????????????

                               I have to say these are very clever.  The first one is a complete riff of "Arrival," down to the Amy Adams wannabe, who, while not as pretty as Amy, look enough like her to do stand in work for her.

This pictured below, is my favorite, as it so skillfully and obviously spoof "La La Land."  What's great about this particular ad is not just the style in which it is shot, which perfectly replicates the film,  it is also better than "La La Land," if only because it runs a brief several minutes, unlike the film, which, for all its stunning visuals, seems endless.

You have to hand it to this company, for its creativity.  There have been some misses, like the medieval one, which I can't figure out what it is spoofing?  "Spamalot?"  "Braveheart?"  The medieval genre?????  All of the above??????

Then there is the current one, with actors suspended on wires, as if they were going to break into something, but decide not to.  What is being spoofed here?  My first guesses were "Rififi" and "Topkappi," but those are too sophisticated for modern audiences.  Could it be "Men In Black?"  If I am wrong, could someone please tell me what is being spoofed?

Whomever thought these up is clever, creative, and has a future in advertising!

Unlike other dumb, annoying stuff I have seen and posted about!

Happy Holiday, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. At risk of having my gay card revoked for even knowing this, I'll tell you that the actors-on-wires bit is a spoof of Tom Cruise's first "Mission: Impossible" movie (in which he had an instantly-iconic scene where he is lowered on wires from a high ceiling to elude alarm detection while performing some spycraft).


  2. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
    I had no idea. Funny thing, last night
    the ad was broadcast, and I notice the
    word "mission: is mentioned. If not
    for you, I never would have noticed it.

    They just better not spoof "The Song Of
