Sunday, July 1, 2018

This Is The New Place To Be Seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   If, like me, you have been keeping up with Lindsay Mendez and "The Carrie Diaries," then you have heard about Casellula.  I am just dying to go there, and sample their cheeses, not to mention that luscious chocolate cake saturated in milk.  Or is it cream?????????

                                   Located at 401 West 52nd Street, it is right in the Theater District, so I am sure lots of the folk from "Carousel" and other shows, hang out there. I know I would. And may soon start to.

                                   It is an evening place; they do not open till 5PM.  I think we all owe ourselves a visit there!

                                   So exciting to discover new places.  And you just never know whom you may see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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