Sunday, July 1, 2018

Who The Hell Can Go To The Box, In The East Village?????????? Only The Hormonally Charged!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      To think that, in the day of the Internet, there exists The Box!  A sex circus, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        And where the hell is 189 Chrystie Street?  I never heard of that street, at all!!!!!!  Am I THAT far behind the times???????????

                                       Not for the children, or the faint of heart.  Of course, one can go there, and drink, but with its part Western, macho, and Belle Watling motif, it is more like a 19th Century brothel, where, I am not sure if it is performers, or patrons, act out sexually in front of each other.

                                        Such places, which used to be called sex clubs, used to abound in both Villages, especially among the gay male populace!  Believe me, darlings, I know!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          The Box seems to be bringing a hetero concept to clubbing!!!!!!!!!  I am sure they will take your money, even if you are gay.  They bill themselves as a "Theatre Of Varieties," so if it is variety you want, the by all means seek it out.

                                            There was a time when I would.  Back in the day, when I was young, dash home from work, do my wardrobe and makeup change in a manner of micro minutes, and head out the door.

                                             I urge the young to try it just once.  It may untie those uptight Millennials!!!!!!!!!!

                                              As for me, those days are done, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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