Tuesday, July 17, 2018

We Have A New Reader, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             I have not been on here recently, for valid reasons, girls, which I will share with you, in the next post.  But, with follower indicator now at 77. that means a new reader has joined us, and I say let us all bid them welcome.  I hope what led you here was entertaining, and that you find both humor and information on here.

                             You know, there is so much I have to write about, but I don't have the motivation right now.  But just doing this gets me back in the flow, so who knows what may come out of this.

                             So, welcome to the wacky, and, for now, uncertain world, of The Raving Queen. Hope you stick around, feel free to comment, and remember it goes great with coffee.

                            It would not be a Raving Queen welcome, without Deborah Harry singing "Call Me!"   So, here it is!


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