Thursday, July 5, 2018

Who In The World Would Want To Kidnap Daisy McCracklin?????????????????????

                                Before this question can even be addressed, does anyone know who Daisy McCrackin is?  I don't believe she is related to dancer Joan McCracken, nor did I know she was the lead in "Halloween: Resurrection."  If I had, I might have gone to see it.

                                 Yesterday morning, while David was on the computer, he asked me if I knew who Daisy McCrackin was.  I did, and, anyone who has followed this blog for a long time will, too, or at least recall her, as I reveal.

                                    Daisy McCrackin is an actress, best remembered by me, for a performance she gave fourteen years ago.  This was, back in 2004, when she played the grown up Tina Bayes in the classic "Cold Case" episode, "Churchgoing People," where Isabella Hoffman, who should have won an Emmy played that abusive Mother From Hell, Charlotte Bayes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Because of this, I knew who Daisy was right away.  What I cannot figure out is how the perps--Keith Andre Stewart, Johntae Jones, and Amber Neal, knew who she was, and why they decided to kidnap her.  I am sure they did not know her from the "Cold Case" episode, and, if they had done their homework, they would have discovered, that, while talented, Daisy is just another working actress in Hollywood, a kind of real life version of what Emma Stone attempted to play in "La La Land."  Only Daisy lives it every day, and it is no musical fantasy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      This could not have been, either.  The trio went to Daisy's home, where she was with a friend, Joseph Capone.  They tied them up, and dragged them into a car.  They stashed Joseph somewhere, left him, bound and gagged, in a bathtub, for 30 hours.  They wanted $10K in cash from Daisy, and they had to drive around to different banks, and have Daisy sign a check herself, before Amber deposited it into her account.

                                       Then, they dropped Daisy off, and she called the cops, to save Capone, and arrest the trio!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          What the hell was going on, here?  How dumb are these perps?  Thankfully, dumb (or smart enough) not to murder anyone, but what did they think Daisy would do, after let go????????????  She did what anyone of us would have done.

                                              My David thinks this whole thing might have been staged as a means of jump starting Daisy's career.  I disagree.  If that had been the case, she would have done something like this earlier, and it would have come out instantly.

                                              I think one of the perps lived near Daisy, knew she was an actress, with a reasonable amount of work credibility.  So, they decided to hit her up for cash.

                                                Thank God, they were so dumb. And I hope Daisy gets her $10K back. Working actresses need every cent they earn!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   It almost--almost!--has the makings of a Hollywood crime caper comedy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   Glad you are all right, Daisy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. i stumbled across this blog looking for more information about Robert Dean Peterson, the closeted man who followed his coworker from Nebraska to Florida, only to kill him and mutilate his poor dead body. i enjoyed your blog entry about the case, but i’m DELIGHTED to see you still post regularly and that you seem to be obsessed with true crime and pop culture minutiae. i looked up poor Daisy and found that she is also a singer/songwriter. i thought you might enjoy this video i found. it’s very strange. it reminds me of Crispin Glover’s “Clowny-clown” phase. the weirdness seems unintentional, and therefore more pure, so i’m totally here for it.

  2. xo,

    Thanks so much for your
    kind words, and access to
    the video. I knew Daisy
    was a singer and songwriter,
    but never got a chance to hear

    I have been writing this blog
    for over 11 years, and plan on
    continuing. Yes, true crime and
    pop culture are key to me.

    Thanks for commenting.
