Thursday, July 5, 2018

Roxanne Buck.....Rhymes With......Guess What, Girls????????????????????

                             Roxanne Buck was supposed to have been last week's Bitch Of The Week.  But she ended up being upstaged by family annihilator Joshua Powell.

                              Roxanne is just your garden variety crack ho'.  What makes her the winner this week is what she did to ruin a friendship.

                               Roxanne and Diana Johnson had been friends for awhile.  Johnson knew Buck had had a hard life, which included a drug history, but saw she was making a sincere effort to clean up.

                                Diana was moved by Roxanne's efforts.  So, she generously offered her a room in her house with her daughter, Michelle, 21.

                                Only, Roxanne was not on the level.

                                Now, I am not clear on whether she was using the moment she moved in, but, eventually, daughter Michelle discovered Roxanne had relapsed to crack.

                                   Michelle told her mother, and both asked Roxanne to leave.

                                   But on March 15, 2014--beware those Ides Of March, dolls!!!!!!!!--Roxanne returned, and, with Diana at work, the two got into a confrontation, with Roxanne slitting Michelle's throat with a knife. Probably in a drug fueled rage.  Then she tried to hide the body in a back yard shed.

                                   Crack ho' or not, this is one sick bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Sometimes, one is punished for good deeds!!!!!!!!!  Be careful, dolls!  Diana knew Roxanne had a drug history.  I am not blaming Diana in the least, just that, had I known someone with a history like this, they would never set foot in my home!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Roxanne, whose crime took place in Stowe, near Akron, Ohio, was given a sentence of 18 years to Life. I hope the latter sticks, because the street does not need another crack ho' trolling for drugs.

                                       And Roxanne looks like a troll, too!  Think what the years will only do for her!

                                       This bitch is past the point where skin cream would help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. One of my nephews is a crack addict.
    We enabled him, unknowingly, for almost a year. :(


  2. Victoria,

    Sorry to hear about your
    nephew. I hope he gets the
    help he needs, and beats this,
    before it destroys him!
