Friday, August 17, 2018

49 Years, And Counting.....You Know What Comes After That, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             To think that next year, at this time, will be the 50th Anniversary of Woodstock.  I did not get there till 44 years later, in 2013, and have made several visits since.  I have even sung in the spot where the stage was, and it is thrilling to imagine the countless people out there, some of whom were people I knew, or eventually came to know.

                               With the 50th Anniversary looming, and many performers still around, I thinks plans should begin being made now!  Some kind of big, celebratory remembrance of when social community came together.  Unlike today, with a populace splintered into decidedly ambivalent fragments.

                                Who better to honor Woodstock than Grace Slick????  So, here she is, singing "Volunteers!"

                                  Enjoy, and never forget!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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