Friday, August 17, 2018

Some Good Comes From Bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Nothing good can really come from a suicide, not for the survivors, who cannot bring Jeff Loeffelholz back to them.  I am so sorry I was unable to attend the memorial on August 7: I had planned to, but repair matters came up here.  I can see by the pictures it was quite moving.

                                   And there were things in place I was glad to see, as I would have wanted them, myself.

                                    For starters, Jeff's surviving partner, Peter De La Cruz, had asked those organizing this tribute that director Walter Bobbie, musical director, and resident Bitch On Wheels, Leslie Stifelman, and production stage manager, David Hyslop, all key in the now infamous rehearsal that culminated in Jeff's suicide, be kept from attending.  They were nowhere near the theater, because they don't give a damn.  I'd like to have a word with Mr. Hyslop, having been a stage manager myself.  As  for Stifelman, she has been on indefinite leave of absence, and musicians, when questioned, said they do NOT want to work with her!  Her career is cooked, and she deserves it.

                                     All of this is good news, but even better, is that on August 7, producers Barry An Fran Weissler announced they would be establishing a $25,000 scholarship in Jeff's honor, to aid an aspiring theater student, at Jeff's alma mater, the University of Oklahoma!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     After the memorial, folks stepped outside, and witnessed the lights of the Ambassador Theatre being dimmed, in Jeff's honor.

                                       I also understand a plaque honoring Jeff will be placed in the lobby of the Ambassador.

                                       None of this will bring Jeff back, but his infectious spirit will live on, maybe his ghost will haunt the theater in times to come, and best of all, it has been demonstrated that behavior of this sort will not be tolerated--in the theater, or anywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Your death was a tragedy, Jeff, but it opened up some needed flood gates!!!!!

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