Friday, August 17, 2018

Another Family Annihilator Makes Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Honestly, girls, what is wrong with society?  Or some straight men?  It used to be a family annihilator would show up in this column every couple of times a year.  Now, it seems to have increased, to every few months.

                              Chris Watts, of Frederick Colorado, murdered his 34-year-old wife, Shannan, who, by the way was 15 weeks pregnant.  He also murdered his two young daughters, Bella, 4, and Celeste, 3.

                               The first question I have is why should these innocent children enter into their parents' marital disputes?

                                I do not know how they were killed, or where.  I do know Shannan was planning to leave Chris--smart girl--but letting him find out about it was not.  These guys value control above all else.  It sounds like a case of "If I can't have them, no one will."

                                 Tell that to Shannan's parents, who are the children's grandparents.  Or siblings or other relations, thereof.

                                   This guy is a real scumbag, and should be locked away forever.  But not before allowing the inmates to beat the living crap out of him, for actually killing three children.

                                     These types deserve no mercy, and possibly the death penalty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      You are some whacked out, rotten bitch, Chris!  Now, pay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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