Friday, August 31, 2018

A Day That Saddens Me Each Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Summer ends on September 20.  Labor Day is called the Unofficial End Of Summer.  But no one mentions August 31, which is a sure signal that the end of Summer is coming, and cannot be stopped.  And, as this pic suggests, once we enter the "ber" months, the year begins to wind down.  And each year, as I age, it seems to wind down faster.

                               And so, we have come to August 31.  It certainly wasn't a dull month.  From the 49th Anniversary Of Woodstock, to a bout with prostatitis, and trying to nurse a pinched nerve, not to mention anticipating "The Nun," having the satisfaction of Lauren Ambrose being kicked out on her butt after the disaster she made of Eliza Doolittle, and my finding a potential Book Of The Year already, August has certainly kept me on its toes.

                               So, now, soon comes Autumn, the days get shorter--they are, already!--and the Winter Of Our Discontent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Hope you all had an exciting Summer.

                        the song says, "See You In September!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                 Here is the original song, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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