Saturday, September 1, 2018

"September Morn," Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              It's now upon us.  Twenty day left of Summer, schools begin in a few days, I have at least three doctor appointments this month, AHS premiers the same day I have to perform "Frank Mills"--the 12th--and I have to keep reading, because, before I know it, the second week in December will be here, and The Times List will be in.

                               The coming of September means the beginning of the 2018 wind down.  It means I have to keep even busier than I have been.  And let us hope we transition gratefully from the torrid and torrential Summer we have had, to a cool, crisp, and cozy Autumn.

                                  So, welcome in September, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  And here is Neil Diamond, to usher us in, with "September Morn."

                                  We made it through two thirds of 2018.  May the final third be a smooth ride!!!!!!!

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