Saturday, September 1, 2018

I Am Proud To Say I Never Was, Have Been, Or Will Be, A Sycophant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Now, these loathsome creatures, sometimes referred to as "yes-men," "brown nosers," or even "ass kissers," have been around, ever since the initial structure of the workplace.  It was my extreme good fortune that, during most of my working life, I was surrounded by brilliant and competent people, all of whom respected each other's knowledge, skills and specialties.

                                      My last seven years, all that fell apart.  Those brought in, so unsure of their own abilities, expected us all to be sycophants, going along with everything they said.  Most of what came out of their mouths was inaccurate by ignorance, and I was not going to sit there, and be subjected as being inferior to those I was SO superior to. It was like going back to elementary school.

                                        Which is the level these insecure, useless power mongers are still on.

                                          And this is why I pity those starting out in the work place today. Higher ups don't want intelligent people who can think.  They want ass kisser who will go along with what is said, even if they think is wrong.  Fuck that!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          The above picture is telling, because both look like stereotypes, the ignorant boss, and the sycophantic yes-man.  And he may have been, for a time.  But now he is like I was; when asked if everyone says he was a bad boss, he says the truth--"Yes!"--instead of "No!"  Essentially, I did the same thing,  and I have no regrets, though I think of myself less as a maverick and more like the boy in "The Emperor's New Clothes," pointing out the truth among the many untruths.

                                            Let me tell you something, dolls.  Because it is a central locale, I find myself often within range of my old workplace.  I have often thought, if passing those I feel were responsible for my dehumanization, (because I certainly do NOT regret retirement!) I have worked out several responses to them.

                                                1. Turn up my nose, and ignore them.

                                                2. Say "I don't hear you; you're in Dubrovnik."(Mia Farrow's line from "Rosemary's Baby.")

                                                 3. Total Honesty--"Listen, I hated working with you, and now that I don't, I have no reason to be nice to you.  You're an incompetent and a phony.  Now, stay away from me!"

                                                   Which response do you prefer, dolls?

                                                    Hope they never cross paths with me!
I would not want to be thought as ungracious.  So, here would be my parting gift to them!

Perfect, isn't it????????????????

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