Monday, September 3, 2018

Happy Labor Day, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   And I really mean it, I want you all to enjoy the holiday.

                                   But, at the risk of sounding like Debbie Downer, (though not as depressing as Joan Didion) I have always found this to be a sad holiday.  The magic of Summer, the fastest passing season, is unofficially over, school starts for students, and then Fall and Winter swiftly move in.

                                    What is wrong with this picture?  The overworked and underrated wage slaves of this nation get just one day to celebrate how lucky they are to be wage slaves.  That is so right wing it makes me sick.  Why not make Labor Day a tribute to women who have to endure Labor Pains to get the rest of us in here, so we can grow up to be acquiescent wage slaves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Girls, enjoy your day!  But it needs to be overhauled and made palatable.

                                      In other words, give those whom it is supposed to honor a fitting honor!!!!!!!!!!!

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