Monday, August 6, 2018

Farewell, Mrs. Garrett And Mammy Yokum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    The sad and funny thing about all this is, I heard something, on Saturday, that a redux of "The Facts Of Life" show was in the works.  I was skeptical--how could they duplicate the original?  Is Charlotte Rae still alive?  My God, she must be in her nineties!!!!!!!!!  She does not want to do Mrs. Garrett!

                                     When I said those words, Charlotte Rae was still alive, at 92!!!!!!!!!

                                       Imagine my shock, last night, when we heard on the news that she had died, yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        She was fabulous on the show, but she was also a marvelous character actress, enlivening films like Milos Forman's 1979 "HAIR,"   She also became something of a Legend Of The Musical Stage, when, in 1956, she originated the role of Mammy Yokum, in the 1956 production of the musical, "L'il Abner."  Yes, Edie Adams won the TONY for Daisy Mae, but Charlotte was on a career trek after this role!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         I have, admittedly, let a few celeb deaths go by.  I only write of those who I felt connected to, personally, via their work, and Charlotte was certainly one of these!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           She will be missed dearly.  But the celestial realm will now be a place of laughter!

                                             Rest In Peace, Charlotte!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!