Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Do Not Allow This Horror To Be Perpetrated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Girls, I just found out yesterday that "Carousel"--yes, "CAROUSEL!!!!!!!!"--will play its last performance, at the Imperial Theatre, on September 16.  That is just five weeks from now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Excluding previews, which began in February, the show opened April 12, 2018.  So, if you start from there, that makes a run of approximately five months.

                                     Five months is not enough for this heaven sent gem!  I was expecting a full year, and at least one other visit to this show!!!!!!!!!!!!  It touches me, deeply.

                                      The producers are stupid to make this decision .  Leave "Carousel" alone; come Fall new theatergoers will flock to it.

                                        That debacle called "My Fair Lady" opened exactly a week later, on April 19.  That means it could outrun "Carousel."  With that harridan in the lead???????????

                                          Of course, Jessie and company will find other projects. Wouldn't it be great if Jessie segued over to "My Fair Lady?"  Finally, Eliza's songs would be sung correctly.

                                           Will this production be preserved, for posterity!  It had better!

                                            Get thee to "Carousel," my darlings!  Protest this decision in front of
the theater, and at the stage door!

                                              We shall overcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!