Wednesday, August 8, 2018

I Still Remember The First Library Book I Took Out On My Own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            I must have been about five, and "The Wizard Of Oz" was fresh in my mind.  At said time, I related, more than anything to the Witch.  I wanted to fly, have that castle, and generate power.  So, at this time of life, anything with witches, or witchcraft, caught my eye.

                             Which is how I came to discover "The Littlest Witch."  I would take it out repeatedly, I probably could end up reciting the text.  What a ghoulish little thing I was, but, honestly, girls, the story was so charming, I don't recall being a bit frightened.

                                It made an impression on  me.  How many of you, out there, recall your first library book????????????


  1. One of my first was Cappyboppy, by Bill Peet.
    Young as I was, I remember feeling sorry for that poor animal.


  2. Now, that is a title I am
    not familiar with. Is it
    still in print?

  3. It sure is, as are many of his books!
