Thursday, August 9, 2018

The Horror Of What This Bitch Did Is Incomprehensible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Girls, remember the "Cold Case" episode I often write about, "A Perfect Day?." That is the one about the Mulvaneys, a family in turmoil. One of the twin girls, Vivian, is clearly being abused, and, in the early stages of the episode, it is easy to think it is Mother Cindy Mulvaney.
But, soon after, when police are summoned to the home, the abuser is discovered to be Cindy's husband, Roger, who is on the force himself, and abuses his wife as well.  Cindy has no protection.

                                  Roger, in the grimmest sequence, kidnaps Cindy and the girls, and drops Vivian into the river, from a bridge.  This being a TV case, things come out all right, and touchingly.

                                    James Currie, a 37-year-old Bronx dad, who is this week's winner of The Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award, is a real life Roger Mulvaney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      On August 4, James picked up his seven month old son, named Madison Soldana, was alive when Currie picked him up from his mother, and took the child to his apartment, according to the custody arrangement.

                                        Whether custody was the motive, or what, this sick thing, I am convinced, killed this innocent child in his apartment, in the Bronx, then placed it in a backpack, walking to the East River, near the Brooklyn Bridge, and threw the enclosed child into the water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           A woman, Diana Campbell, of Stillwater, Oklahoma! first noticed the baby neat the shore.  Her husband, Monte, went in, and successfully retrieved the baby.  They called 911, and CPR was administered, but the child was not breathing; clearly he was dead.

                                            Currie knows what a sick fuck he is, because he fled to Thailand, and then Bangkok!  He is due to be brought back to New York, and I hope this baby killer is torn to pieces by an angry mob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             A seven month old infant, killed this way.  Hey, James, how would you like to find out what it is like??????????????????

                                               You may just get that chance, once you land in prison!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Sick bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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