Wednesday, August 29, 2018

"I Had Some Dreams, They Were Clouds In My Coffee, Clouds In My Coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                Actually, my dreams have turned out just fine, darlings.  But every so often, I get on a Carly Simon kick--I mean, she's brilliant--and the one I find myself singing the most is "You're So Vain."  Like Carly, I have my own lineup of who it is about, and I am not about to reveal that...just yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 I also have a hankering for Carly's early hit, "That's The Way I've Always Heard It Should Be."  The understated power of her voice is extraordinary in this very haunting song.

                                  And, what should be my mantra, when I go to the doctor, at least, is "I Haven't Got Time For The Pain."

                                  But no matter what, darling, there are NO clouds in MY coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Here is Carly, doing "You're So Vain" live, at Martha's Vineyard, back at 1987. The "son of a gun" at the opening is missing, but then it is Carly at the piano, and Martha's Vineyard!!!!!!!

                                   And here is "That's The Way I've Always Heard It Should Be!!!!!!!!!!"

                                   Wish we all looked as good as Carly, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. She wrote you're so vain, but that's the way was actually written by a man!


  2. Now, that is something I did not know.
    Do you know who it was. Because once
    Carly recorded it, it became, her song;
    I have never heard any other version.

    Interesting a man could write something
    so emotional and haunting.

  3. Jacob Brackman wrote the lyrics.
    He met Carly when they were counselors at a summer camp in 1967!


  4. Thanks for the info, Victoria,
    I did not know that. I looked
    him up, and he also wrote another
    Carly classic, "I Haven't Got
    Time For The Pain!"
