Wednesday, August 29, 2018

"Just Where Did You Think You Were Coming Today????????????"

                               This is my favorite line, that I wait to hear, each time I watch "Judge Judy."  The trash that she says it to are so idiotic and stupid, they deserve it.   Because, they don't care about settling whatever dispute arises.  They have this deluded notion that appearing on "Judge Judy," and being as manic as they can is their ticket to fame and fortune in show business.  That is right, darlings. This is why those who appear on "Judge Judy" do so.

                                 But I am digressing a little.

                                 The more I hear this line, the more I want to say it to certain people--people who bother me.

                                   The subway--forget it!  It is SO nutso there, that to do this would be taking one's life into one's hands.  The longer I am retired, the harder it is for me to get on the subway, because the more nut jobs I notice.  And I want nothing to do with that.

                                    But please, once you come up into Manhattan, it seems no better!

                                    Young girls, dressing like tramps!  Tramps!  That whole Jodie Foster/Iris thing was dated, decades ago!!!!!!!!!!  Why do young girls want to look like prostitutes?  What about civilized, elegant graciousness, in a flowing Laura Ashley, or said type, dress??????????

                                      When I walk down a Manhattan street, don't walk like you are going to walk into me, like I don't exist!  Get the hell out of my way!  I am NOT invisible!  I belong here, too.  And remember, if I don't already know you, who cares?  This is MY world, and you just live in it!!!!!!!!

                                        Don't block my way at bookstores!  You think yourself more literary than I??????????

                                          Movies and Theater--too many go who should not, as they have no idea what they are seeing!  "The Sound Of Music" is too sophisticated for them!   Don't waste my time in line, when I am trying to meet a time schedule, deciding then what movie you are going to see.  Plan ahead, assholes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           When I walk into a designer shop, and I snap my fingers, that means I want service!  So, give it to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!  INSTANTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              So many good reasons to use Judge Judy's line.

                                              But I don't, in order to survive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I still think of that young man from Utah who was stabbed to death on his way to the tennis


  2. Yes, Brian Watkins. What
    a tragedy. And another reason
    to be aware on the subway.
