Monday, August 27, 2018

I Know We're In For A Scorcher, But Before The Summer Is Gone, We Have GOT To Have A Victorian Summer Outdoor Tea!!!!!!!!!

                            What a lovely inspiration isn't it, girls?   It's just like Helen Hooven Santmyer's novel, "...And Ladies Of The Club," which I would actually be willing to read again, if I could only find the pink, mass paperback edition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               I mean, isn't it the ultimate in femme, girls?  We could all read it--if we had time enough, and discuss it, especially which parts we cried over, and which parts actually shocked us. Because old Helen does shock us some with some explicit topics I never expected to find in such a book, which are there, but go unmentioned.

                                What a sparkling way to end the Summer.  But not today!  I am going out, briefly, this evening, but meanwhile, I have a lot of reading to do, and more posts to write.

                                  Have GOT to get going!  But let's try for that Victorian Outdoor Summer Tea?

                                   Huh, darlings?


  1. Wow it's been forever since I read that book.
    I don't know why I liked it so much, but I did.
    Nothing happens, and everything happens.
    Lot of typos though


  2. Victoria,

    That book came out in 1982.
    I read it a few years later
    and loved it. Truly a romantic
    novel. I later got a hardback
    edition, but it was water damaged
    in a move.

    There are still parts of that book
    I think about today,

    I hope I get a chance to read it
    one more time.
