Monday, August 27, 2018

Were Frances Bavier, As Aunt Bee, On "The Andy Griffith Show," And Madge Blake, As Aunt Harriet, On "Batman," Sisters????????

                                Just look at the two of them, darlings.  They could have been Separated At Birth!!!!!!!

                                 If they had been sisters, it would have made quite a story.  Especially consider that the Aunt Bee persona Bavier projected on the show, was far from what the actress was.

                                  Not only was she difficult to work with--yes, darlings, a bitch!--in later years, according to an article I read Andy Griffith and Ronnie Howard both went to visit the actress, who was  living in some rural dump, a hoarder, slovenly, and very much like "Grey Gardens," minus the charm and glamour of the two Edies, who, after all, were Bouviers.

                                   I can't say much for Madge Blake, but putting them in the same room as sisters would, I guess, be similar to putting Bette and Joan together for 'Baby Jane.'

                                   Between these two, I would fear for Madge.  But maybe she has a trick or two up her sleeve none of us know about?????????????

                                    But isn't the resemblance amazing???????????????????


  1. Who can forget the episode where Aunt Bea opens a Chinese restaurant.
    Or the one where she gets drunk wth her ladies club


  2. I LOVE where she gets drunk with
    the ladies club. That is my


  3. Unknown,
    Indeed, she was! I read somewhere that,
    when the show folded, Andy Griffith and
    Ron Howard tried to visit her, and she
    refused to see them!
