Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Now, THIS, Girls, Is Why It Is All Important To Keep Up That Make-Up Regimen, In August!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          As many of you on here know about me, (and I am sure there are others on here who may be afraid to admit it) I always wanted to be a "She Demon", from the neck down.  Then I would be a svelte, Diana Nellis dancer, in a two piece halter shortie, with teeth necklaces and dance steps that would make the late Michael Bennett take notice.

                         But these She Demons demonstrate what can go wrong if you don't maintain a daily make-up regimen.  No matter how stunning you may be from the neck down, if you don't spend at least twenty minutes in front of the bathroom mirror, forget it,  You could end up looking like this.

                         The sun is at its most intense in August, which is why the latter part of this month is referred to as "the dog days of Summer."  But with all the creams, lotions, notions, potions, and a good astringent out there, what excuse can there possibly be for letting oneself go, to look like this?????????

                           At least a good foundation, dolls!  It would work wonders, even for these poor creatures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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