Wednesday, August 1, 2018

The Underrated Voice Of Marilyn McCoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Growing up in the Sixties, darlings, I loved The Fifth Dimension as a group, but it was when Marilyn McCoo was allowed to solo that its talent really soared.  Why this lady, with a stunning voice and an upper vocal range to send chills down one's spine, did not become a major star on her own, is beyond me, unless, of course, that was  how she wanted it.

                                The other day, I was listening to "Wedding Bell Blues"--we've all had them, darlings!!!!!!!!!--and I was just amazed at her range on the last notes.  You just gotta hear this!
Listen!  That upper range is amazing!

                              Then, there was "Last Night I Didn't Get To Sleep At All," which I used to sing all the time, with my sleep deprived issues.  I never stayed awake all night over a man, but lots of other things, let me tell you.  Marilyn has a nice, belty sound here, with an underlying passion that demonstrates why she was the standout singer of the group.  Just listen to how she holds those notes, especially on "Laaast!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  Oh, my God!!!!!!!!!!!!  Stunning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              And then there is MY favorite, "Love's Lines, Angles, And Rhymes," with its tricky lyric, and the impassioned way her voice captures the exhilaration of falling in love.  It is sexy without being vulgar, and the back up orchestrations are impressive.  But it is Marilyn's show, all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Can you believe Marilyn is in her 70's?  And that she and Billy Davis, Jr. have been together for several decades?  They must have grown children by now.

                                I guess they don't feel the need to perform, anymore.  But, when they did, and Marilyn let it out, it was something to hear!

                                 Just listen to these selections, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I couldn't agree with your more about Marilyn. I'm listening to her now. Love's Lines is my favorite too!


  2. Oh, My God! The emotional charge
    she gives to those words. And the
    music that goes with it!

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Very, very underrated vocalist.


  4. Unknown,

    I so agree. No one like her now!

  5. Have you listened to her hit that ending note on their cover of the Association song..."Never my Love" phenomenal! Truly underrated!

  6. Unknown,

    I just did, and are you right!
    What a voice. Glad to encounter
    another McCoo fan!
