Sunday, September 16, 2018

As It Should, On Wednesday, Broadway Will Dim The Lights For Marin Mazzie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   I was saddened to hear of Marin Mazzie's death on September 13.  I had been aware of her three year struggle with ovarian cnacer, but when she and her husband, the wonderful singer and actor (and HOT!!!!!!!!) Jason Danieley, started doing concerts together, I thought she had the cancer beat.

                                   As I read more about her, I learned it had returned, despite removing her ovaries, and having a hysterectomy.  She reportedly suffered abdominal pains, bowel blockages--my heart goes out both to she and Jason.

                                    Not only was Marin gorgeous.  She had a gorgeous voice.  Even in a not so great musical, like "Carrie," which David and I saw, she could make the most of mediocre material. And when she was given something to sink her teeth into, like Sondheim's "Losing My Mind," which was shown on PBS, to commemorate Sondhiem's 80th birthday, back in 2010.

                                     Fifty seven was too soon for you to leave us, Marin, but I know you are with the angels, and at peace.  The prayers of my readers and myself go to both you and Jason.

                                     Here is Marin, doing "Losing My Mind."

                                     And here are Marin and Jason doing a "Sondheim Suite."  His voice and looks matched hers; their was a real Broadway love story, the kind often now only found in books.

                                       But it was real.  And Jason, it will endure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. So sad to hear about Marin Mazzie: I had no idea she was ill until I read this post. My exposure to her talent was limited to her role as Donna Murphy's foil in the original production of Sondheim's "Passion". Since I'm one of very few people who actually saw, loves and is moved by that show and its score, Mazzie's performance is etched in my memory. Every time I play the cast album, I look forward to her ever-darkening variations of the perverse theme "Happiness" as the story progresses toward its inevitable, sad, yet strangely uplifting finale.

    It took a formidable singer to tackle "Passion" and not get blown off the stage by Donna Murphy, whose vehicle this was (the show is so utterly bizarre and counter-intuitive, Murphy is literally the only one who could ever make the lead role of "Fosca" work). But Marin's "Clara" more than held her own as Murphy's doppelganger.

    I never realized she was also "Rapunzel" of the original "Into The Woods"! Need to go back and re-watch the PBS recording again to see if I recognize her.


  2. You make me wish I had seen "Passion."
    I am not sure if Marin was the orginal
    Rapunzel, or a replacement. "Carrie
    was the only stage vehicle I saw her
    in, but her voice was known to me
    through recoedings, and TV broadcasts.
    She had battled this for 3 years. I
    thought she had beaten it. So sad she
    did not. A loss of a great talent!
