Sunday, September 16, 2018

"At The End Of The Storm, Is A Golden Sky, And The Sweet, Silver Song, Of A Lark!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                   When in college, I had a professor, Dr. James McGlone, who always ended each and every class with the words, "It's been a little bit of heaven, right here on earth, being with you today."

                                     That is how I feel about the departure of Broadway's "Carousel."  My June 24 visit can never be topped, and with Renee Fleming gone from the cast, and the question of whether or not Amar Ramasar will play the final performance, the departure of "Carousel" is even sadder, indeed!!!!!!!

                                       That is Jessie Mueller and Joshua Henry, who led the production, and made these roles their own.  Their future is bright, but to think "Carousel" may not play again for another twenty years--if ever it does--is heartbreaking.  Such beauty and artistry in this dance conceived production, thanks to Justin Peck, whose future afterwards promises to be as bright as Henry's, Mueller's, and, of course, Lindsay Mendez!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        I adored everyone in this cast of "Carousel."  They deserved a longer run, and did some of the best work they ever did.  If you got to see it.

                                          After today, it will belong to the ages!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          I am closing this chapter, as I have before, with Garett Hawe and Company in a montage of recording the Cast Album.  A better ensemble of voices will not be seen for a very long time to come.

                                          Farewell, "Carousel!!!!!!!!!!!"   I loved you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. It sure doesn't! Especially
    with what remains, and what is
    coming in. "King Kong,"indeed!
