Friday, September 28, 2018

"Come On, Virginia, Don't You Wait! You Catholic Girls Start Much Too Late!" But What About Catholic Boys????????

                                        I am sure, girls, you recognize that quote from Bill Joel's "Only The Good Die Young," released back in 1977.  That was the year I graduated from college, and all over the country, it was causing a controversy, because the student disc jocks (unlike the student sports jocks, who were dumb, though maybe the discs were just as bad!) would lewdly comment on this song, with remarks such as "Catholic girls start early," and the like,

                                         Which brings us to good Catholic boys.  Once puberty sets in, there is no such thing.  Oh, there are degrees, but name me any one who has had an easy time getting through puberty.  It was the worst transition yet of my life!

                                            The most amount of time children are good (unless one is raising a Rhoda Penmark, and we all know real life cases!!!!!!!!!!) is prepubescence.

Which brings us to Brett Kavanaugh, presented initially as a good Catholic.  But, you know something, darlings, I saw right through him!  I knew something like what is happening would occur, and I am not a bit surprised.  And I feel there is more to come.

It fits Trump's rhetoric to have the nation led by a big bunch of White, straight pussy hounds!!!!!!!!!  After all, what is he??????????

This arrogance on Brett Kavanaugh's part, even before the trouble started, and now amidst, said to me, at once, that he was a self-righteous Catholic.  If one comes from a Catholic family, trust me, they are in your midst.  I have some relations who fit the bill.

These are people who think that just because they go to church every Sunday, they are doing the right thing.  Even if they beat their wives and children during the week.  Or secretly hide porno in a desk drawer, and jerk off to it.  Or play fast and lose on their income tax or any form of money.

Many are power mongers, like Kavanaugh, but not all.  They do share arrogance and an inflexibility that the only way is THEIR way, and that those who don't follow are worthless sinners!

One reason I love this scandal is it is showing up these type of people for what they exactly are.  And it is about time they got exposed.  Kavanaugh is not alone; there are many out there.  Whatever the outcome of all this is, his name will irrevocably be associated with the scandal surrounding him.

He should not be confirmed.  But if he is, remember he is just another Trump Pussy Hound Puppet!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pity the unfortunate wives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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