Friday, September 28, 2018

In Memory Of Bruce Friedman--January 21, 1948-September 24, 2018!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             My beloved, David, knew Bruce for thirty eight years; it was my privilege to know him only for eight.  I can tell you, like me, he was opinionated and impassioned.  And he put himself into the socio-political fray, rallying for LGBT causes, helping out at the Queens LGBT Community Center.  As a former Queens resident, myself, when I did not know Bruce, and felt the borough did not even acknowledge the existence of gays and lesbians, now I can say Bruce did more to undo that misconception than anyone I know.  Or knew.

                             He had an outrageous sense of humor, which is why I always said, "Bruce, you are a legend!"  He LOVED din sum.  Thanks to him, I ate more din sum in my life than I probably ever would have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              As David said, from diagnosis to the end, not one word of complaint!  He died from complications after a three year battle with leukemia.

                             David and I visited Bruce a week ago Thursday, and, while he did not look good, he knew us, and because of his strong constitution, I thought his passing would take longer.  I was readying myself for October, or November.  But late September???????????

                              His legend will live on.  Anyone who met Bruce would never forget him.

                              I certainly won't. And, though I am Catholic, when it is my time, I expect to cross over, and see and hear Bruce say to me, "Good Shabbos."

                               Rest In Peace, Bruce.  You are missed, but remembered, by so many who loved you!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Michael, we could not have said it better. Bruce introduced us to doing services at Bethune and I did the Gay Pride one for several years and we always ended with "Over the Rainbow". Although he had not seen Bruce in a while, I did speak with him. He will be missed and we love him. RIP Bruce.


  2. Marilyn.
    Thank you so much for
    your lovely comments.
    Bruce will be sadly
    missed. I wish him
