Friday, September 28, 2018

This Was The First Episode Of "Apocalypse" That Made Me Think The Show Is Heading Somewhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Which does not mean the idea tank is low, because to bring back favorite characters from past seasons, as pleasurable as it may be, I call a desperate move!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Let's talk about Leslie Grossman--she IS Gross!  Her character is mannered, annoying, and my biggest disappointment was that she came back from the dead.  She should have stayed dead, and then been carted off the show.

                                  It was hilarious to see Sarah Paulson die in her Ms. Danvers get up, and then return, glammed up as the Head Supreme.

                                  And when the Supremes came crashing through that door, it was, as that Supreme bitch, Diana Ross,  might have said, "Ain't No Mountain High Enough."

                                    This moment was needed, because the "Halloween Party" was trite, and the vomiting was disgusting.  And did it have to be shown so graphically!  Grossness plus!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Even Emma Roberts' signature line--"Surprise, bitch! I bet you thought you'd seen the last of me!" was welcome, after the past two episodes.

                                       Now what?  Do we get out of the compound?  Do we go back to the witch academy in New Orleans?????????????  Will Kathy Bates return, as Madame Lalaurie??????  I hope so!

                                         As for Frances Conroy, I want to know how she was brought back, after her fiery, iconic death, when she yelled "Balenciaga!" at the end of "Coven!"

                                         Things are starting to happen.  It is about time.

                                          Only tine will reveal how much of it we really like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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